New Music on Vinyl
This article discusses the current "trendiness" of vinyl and how new music is now being offered on vinyl. The author explains how it is not necessarily a good idea financially, but artistically many composers prefer it in their art making process. He then weighs the pros and cons of vinyl over digital, basically stating that cd's and downloads have the potential to make more money but a record has a certain draw that helps sell new music that other wise wouldn't have the same appeal. He ends the piece with a quote that states composers do what they love regardless of the expense or short term outcome, and many of them have their audience in mind when thinking about what would enhance the listening experience for them. I personally thought of records as more of a novelty in this age, they are really only used to give a vintage vibe or to create a "back in time" atmosphere, but I think it would be really cool if they became a staple again for a way to listen to music. It does add a certain warmth to the sound and if a composer had this in mind for his piece I think it would add to the experience overall.